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电影谜巢主题曲张靓颖Lady Killer歌词MP3无损音源下载

2018-01-04 10:45 来源:未知 责编:佳人编辑 

导读:由李冰冰、凯南·鲁兹、吴尊、凯尔希·格兰莫领衔主演的动作冒险电影《谜巢》将于1月19日正式登陆大银幕。就在今天,这部电影的主题曲《Lady Killer》也正是上线。这首歌是由张靓颖演唱的。相信很多小伙伴都很期待吧?

相信很多小伙伴都很喜欢张靓颖的歌曲吧?就在今天,张靓颖又为动作冒险电影《谜巢》主题曲《Lady Killer》,这是张靓颖又一次为国际顶级大片助阵音乐原声。下面就和小编一起来欣赏一下吧~!

电影谜巢主题曲张靓颖Lady Killer歌词MP3无损音源下载

1月4日,华语顶级唱将张靓颖献唱的动作冒险电影《谜巢》主题曲《Lady Killer》正式上线,这也是华语知名OST厂牌燃音乐继电影《终结者:创世纪》《007:幽灵党》《长城》《猩球崛起3:终极一战》后又一次为国际顶级大片助阵音乐原声。


主题曲《Lady Killer》由King Logan、Cam Gee、Lehman Gray组成的国际级音乐团队保驾护航,在富有强劲律动的大气曲风之下,搭配张靓颖一贯的迷人“靓”嗓,让听众在旋律与节拍的交响中身临这场惊心动魄的冒险之旅。


Lady Killer (《谜巢》电影主题曲) - 张靓颖

Written by:Cam Gee/King Logan/Banksy/Lehman Gray

音乐出品:燃音乐HIT MUSIC

In the beginning

Once upon a time you had all of my heart

Right from the start babe

I thought you were cupid

But you put the arrows down a round came from your gun

Shot me more than once baby

You hit the bulls eye pin it on

My chest so cold in blood

Your loves assassin a gemini

Boy you got me on the run

You are the reason that this hole is in my heart

Baby one shot from you I'm torn apart

Ain't no saving us you hurt me more than once

And the damage is done

Lady killer


You are the wolf

The devil in disguise stole my heart

Instructed to a bomb of lies

Loving you is a big mistake

T minus five till we detonate

Running away but there's nowhere to hide

Thought you are the one must be out of my mind

You hit the bull's eye pin it on

My chest so cold in blood

Your loves assassin a gemini

Boy you got me on the run

You are the reason that this hole is in my heart

Baby one shot from you I'm torn apart

Ain't no saving us you hurt me more than once

And the damage is done

Lady killer



Lady killer

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