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歌手张天shape of you纯享版视频欣赏

2018-01-20 10:03 来源:未知 责编:佳人编辑 

导读:相信很多小伙伴都有听过黄老板的《shape of you》吧?在最新一期的《歌手》节目中,张天演唱了这首《shape of you》,唱出了完全不一样的感觉。下面就和小编一起来欣赏一下吧~!

《shape of you》可以说在前一段时间非常的火,这首黄老板真的是很经典啊,而且这首歌韩国歌手JFla也翻唱过,而且最火的时候就是由她演唱。昨天,歌手的舞台,张天全新演绎了这首《shape of you》,下面就和小编一起来看看吧~!


这首歌其实小编听得有点不知道从何说起,因为这首歌张天唱的,我完全听不出来这首歌是《shape of you》了。这首歌本来非常的欢快,而且很好听,可是张天改编的,虽然说风格完全不一样了,但是小编是真的欣赏不来。不知道各位小伙伴觉得呢?


Shape of You (Live) - 张天

词:Ed Sheeran/Steve Mac/John McDaid/Kandi Burruss/

Tameka Cottle

曲:Ed Sheeran/Steve Mac/John McDaid/Kevin Briggs

原唱:Ed Sheeran

编曲: 张天/Geoff King Suk

吉他:薛峰/Geoff King Suk


The club isn't the best place to find a lover

So the bar is where I go

Me and my friends at the table doing shots

Drinking faster and then we talk slow

You come over and start up

A conversation with just me

And trust me I'll give it a chance now

Take my hand stop

Put Van The Man on the jukebox

And then we start to dance

And now I'm singing like

Girl you know I want your love

Your love was handmade for somebody like me

Come on now follow my lead

I may be crazy don't mind me say

Boy let's not talk so much

Grab on my waist and put that body on me

Come on now follow my lead

Come on now follow my lead

I'm in love with the shape of you

Push and pull like a magnet do

Although my heart is falling too

I'm in love with your body

Last night you were in my room

And now my bedsheets smell like you

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with the shape of you

One week in we let the story begin

We're going out on our first date

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with your body

I'm in love with your body

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with the shape of you

One week in we let the story begin

We're going out on our first date

But you and me are thrifty so go all you can eat

Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate

We talk for hours and hours

About the sweet and the sour

And how your family is doing okay

And leave and get in a taxi

We kiss in the backseat

Tell the driver make the radio play

And I'm singing like

Girl you know I want your love

Your love was handmade for somebody like me

Come on now follow my lead

I may be crazy don't mind me say

Boy let's not talk so much

Grab on my waist and put that body on me

Come on now follow my lead

Come on now follow my lead

I'm in love with the shape of you

We push and pull like a magnet do

Although my heart is falling too

I'm in love with your body

And last night you were in my room

And now my bedsheets smell like you

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with your body

I'm in love with your body

I'm in love with your body

Every day discovering something brand new

Every day discovering something brand new

Every day discovering something brand new

Every day discovering something brand new

Come on be my

Come on be my

Come on

Come on be my baby

Be my baby come on

Come on come on be my baby

Come on be my baby

Be my baby come on

Come on come on be my baby

I'm in love with the shape of you

Push and pull like a magnet too

I'm in love with the shape of you

I'm in love with your body

I'm in love with your body

I'm in love with your body

Every day discovering something brand new

Every day discovering something brand new

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with the shape of you

I'm in love with your body







这歌是唱的不好 但我还是挺喜欢她的 评论里至于吗 满满的恶意 这个张天和我们差不多同龄的 甚至比有些人还小 你们怎么嘴巴那么毒

出了音色特别 其他真没什么厉害之处 洪涛说这季歌手档次不高 说的可能就是她吧

妈呀,我听第一句就给关了,不是说她唱的不好,而是根本就没入我的心,不管怎么说,小姐姐还是继续努力吧,果然这期没有gai,PG one真是好样的,我谢你全家了

觉得她声线好赞 Jazz风浓重 台风的style我都超喜欢 很少女生穿红色能这么好看 红唇也不艳俗





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